If you see any services you are interested in Contact me
All services are free to the ND Community.

Resume Design and Review

I can help you create a resume from scratch or just offer review and feedback on existed resumes. You can submit your resume for review here.

Interviewing Preparation

Big interview coming up? Never had an interview before? Just tell me what type of job it is and what company and I can help you prepare for it, not only do most companies ask certain types of questions based on roles but Glassdoor and others even have users that posts the questions you might be asked. Contact me for an Initial Meeting

Training and Education

If you feel you are stuck in a job you didn’t want and want to make improvements in your training or education I can help. There are a lot of choices between being stuck in a job you don’t like and an expensive 4 year degree. There could be free or discounted educational options in your area I can help you find. I believe that no matter your disability you should have a fulfilling career.

Career Guidance

Are you not sure where to start? Feel stuck at your job? Maybe you love what you do but are unsure how to get to the next level of pay or responsibilities? Feel free to Contact me and we can discuss what your goals are and I can see what assistance I can offer.


Are you struggling at school or work and unsure of how to even begin to ask for accommodations or what accommodations are available to you? I can help with that. There are resources online available to you and your school or employer to help craft and fulfill requests. I can help you take the first steps. I can also find local legal resources or show you how to make ADA or EEOC filings if you are being discriminated against.


I have plans to start online and in person meetup groups. The in person would be in the Portland, OR area. These would be exclusively for ND people and would be around career development, sharing tips and tricks, funny work stories, and how to cope with work and the challenges that may arise.